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Viral Jumping And Offroading C8 Up For Sale!

No not really but this "seller" has a sense of humor!

If you’ve been on the internet in the last few days you may have caught Street Speed 717’s latest antics. In his first video released over the weekend, I told you how he thinks “Corvette fanboys are mad.”  Then just today our own Mark Capayas broke Street’s follow-up video with the outrageous jumps.

Well, it didn’t take long for a prankster up in Dillsburg, PA to capitalize on the hilarity. I’m not sure Greg, I think the price seems a little high! But wait, dig in the listing and he does say it will be detailed for the new owner!! And of course, it’s only been jumped “a handful of times”!

I love it, this is what makes the internet hilarious, thanks Greg for the laughs. We usually have a vibrant discussion over on our Facebook page, I would love to hear what you think about Street’s latest antics and this “seller’s” parody Facebook ad.  Douglas B.