When I began this series showcasing this uplifting and ambitious rescue from John G. of Newburyport, MA, I had no...
The third-generation Corvette has long been my favorite body style, as you just can’t deny the beautifully sculpted fenders, especially...
When we last left off John G. had meticulously laid 5 coats of black and 4 coats of clear to...
There’s a special place in the “Corvette heavens” for enthusiasts like John, who rescue dilapidated classics like this ’78 Pace...
John G. from Massachusetts had been planning for years to build a custom ’78 Pace Car, and when the right...
John from Massachusetts continues to bring this neglected relic from our Corvette past back to life, and if you missed...
Welcome to the continuation of our DIY series, where I showcase unique restorations and builds from around our community. There’s...