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Second Shift Started at Bowling Green Production Plant for C8 Corvette

Humming along!

Get Ready for the C8 Corvette

We knew that the Bowling Green, Kentucky, production facility was going to be adding around 400 new jobs and a second shift to get the C8 Corvette out into the world, and now that has officially begun. The plant’s second shift started on Monday of this week, according to Corvette Blogger.

First up for the assembly plant are about 500 Captured Test Fleet vehicles. These vehicles will come before customer cars. Once those vehicles are completed customer vehicles will begin rolling off the assembly line. Once things really get moving, the plant will run two eight-hour shifts Monday through Friday. During that time, 11.6 new Corvettes will be produced every hour. 

While the Captured Test Fleet vehicles still have to come out and should take some time to produce, there’s already some finished. There’s a chance that the plant could finish those early and then move right into customer cars. Chevrolet has said that the customer cars will begin getting to their locations by the end of February, so it will be interesting to see how long it takes before we start seeing these mid-engine beasts out on the roads.