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2019 Corvette Production Volumes

2019 Corvette Production Volumes

Production of the 2019 Corvette will come to a close at the end of this month (September).  Now that all customer orders have been finalized, Chevrolet has released the official production statistics of the 2019 Corvette MY via the National Corvette Museum website.

Production of the 2019 Corvette began at the end of January, 2018 and ran approximately 20 months.  The 2019 ZR1 Corvette was the first model to complete its production run.  The last order cycle for the 2019 Corvette ZR1 closed at the end of May with production wrapping on the ZR1 approximately three weeks later (early-to-mid June.)  There may still be a few ZR1 Corvettes available at dealerships across the nation, but those would most likely be from earlier deals that fell thru after orders had been processed.

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