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DIY: Race Car Build In Progress… Part 4

200 hours and counting, today Scot digs back into the chassis

Today we continue on Scot’s journey to turn his ’75 Greenwood Widebody into a Pro Touring race car. After part three Scot estimated he had over 200 hours of work on this project so far. If you have missed previous installments or just need a refresher, click here for part one, part two, and part three.

After playing around with the engine towards the end of part three, Scot realizes it’s time to get back to the chassis and remarks, “lots of work and fun to be done!!” I still admire his tenacity and enthusiasm, and I wish it was contagious as I have some much easier projects to do on my ’99 FRC.

The focus shifted to the front of the chassis, where Scot did some fabrication to secure the C4 shock tower mounts.

After a few hours, the driver’s side is all bolted in. Good to see Scot is still putting that donor C4 to good use!

Both sides are now complete and the first thing this car guy thinks is, “looking forward to putting some wheels and tires on it”. I agree Scot, setting up the stance with the proper wheels and tires is fun. Scot also reminds us, “took a lot of hand building with these frame rail mounts.”

The excitement is palpable as Scot comments, “Got a Roller! Lots of work and fun! Next I’m going to set the motor. Will probably make my motor supports and try to use c6 motor mounts.” Then Scot says he has to get the transmission and driveshaft figured out, and at that point can tear it all apart to sandblast and paint the frame, then reinstall all of the suspension parts.

Scot mentions the original C4 mount locations look to be pretty close, but will be using C6 motor mounts.

And just like that, the engine is mocked up to the frame! This is where we will end today’s journey. We often have vibrant discussions over on our Facebook page, I would love to hear your thoughts on Scot’s project.  Douglas B.

See you next week for part 5!