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Corvettes On Craigslist: 1987 Corvette C4 Convertible Needing A Little TLC

2,450 miles and with a red body and white top. Nice combo!

1987 Corvette C4 Convertible for sale

As we scour the classifieds on the weekends to find interesting, weird, or collectible Corvettes, we more often than not come across multiple generations of our beloved car that are heavily worn out, abused, or left to rot in a field so that someone comes and wheels it away as a restoration project.

And then, a little gem peeks its head through the dirt and shines brightly enough for us to see it. Today, we present one such gem.

1987 Corvette C4 Convertible for sale

This 1987 Corvette C4 Convertible is available in Delaware, and despite not having an information blurb about it, looks to be in pretty much excellent or near mint condition. The only blemish is a tiny scratch about the size of a quarter with a small scratch on the plastic above it, and even then, it looks like it would be relatively inexpensive to repair if you have the appropriate skills.

1987 Corvette C4 Convertible for sale
The only really noticeable blemish, two tiny scratches that look to be surface only.

Other than that, with 2,450.55 miles on the odometer, it’s only done an average of just about 74 miles per year for 33 years. As the ad states, when it’s not been on the road, it’s been a garage queen.

1987 Corvette C4 Convertible for sale

We’re hopeful that the right kind of buyer finds this add, even though the price of $16,500 feels a bit steep with other Corvette C4‘s going for less than $10,000 across pretty much the entirety of the USA.

1987 Corvette C4 Convertible for sale

By that, we’re meaning we hope it finds its way into the hands of someone that isn’t in it for the performance, as the C4 was fairly anemic due to the 1979 oil crisis causing Chevrolet to focus on fuel efficiency above all else with the L98 V8.

1987 Corvette C4 Convertible for sale

We’re hoping it finds its way into the hands of someone that will drop the top, lean back in the leather seats, and have a great afternoon cruise in a car whose paint still shines like the day it left the factory.