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Corvette Community News: Corvette Second Deadliest Car; C8 Prices Falling, And More…

[5 Minute Read] Join CorvSport today as we look at a new alarming study from iSeeCars; Check out some of these C8 prices as the market normalizes!

Accelerate Yellow C8 Crash

Thanks for joining CorvSport! In today’s news from the Corvette Community, we highlight some of the interesting stories from our community that you may have missed. This edition also includes the second issue of CorvSport’s new Digital Magazine, CORVETTE OBSESSED. In October’s issue, you can view 60 fresh CorvSport articles with one convenient click! Thanks for letting CorvSport into your busy life–let’s dive in! [Author’s Note: This article is FREE and not behind a paywall. If/when any popups occur, please click to make them disappear and continue enjoying the article.]

1) Study Finds That Corvette Is Second Deadliest Car In America

Yikes, did anyone see this coming? Just the other week, the team from iSeeCars released a research article titled “The 23 Most Dangerous Cars On The Road,” listing the top vehicles that are “up to five times more likely to have had a fatal crash.

Here Are The Highlights Directly From iSeeCars:

  • The top five most dangerous cars are the Hyundai Venue, Chevrolet Corvette, Mitsubishi Mirage, Porsche 911, and Honda CR-V Hybrid, with fatal accident rates nearly five times higher than the average vehicle
  • Two Teslas, the Model Y and Model S, make the most dangerous cars list despite Tesla’s advanced driver-assist technology
  • Tesla also has the highest fatal accident rate by brand, followed by Kia, Buick, Dodge, and Hyundai
  • Compact and subcompact cars have had the highest rate of fatal accidents by size, at 3.6 fatal accidents for every billion miles
  • Full-size models have the lowest fatality rates by size, at 2.0 fatal accidents for every billion miles

The Top Ten

Table sourced from iSeeCars


  • “ analyzed fatality data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) of model year 2018-2022 cars with car crashes that resulted in at least one occupant fatality to identify the most dangerous vehicles on U.S. roads today.”
  • “To adjust for exposure, the number of cars involved in a fatal crash were normalized by the total number of vehicle miles driven, which was estimated from iSeeCars’ data of over 8 million vehicles on the road in 2022 from model years 2018-2022. Heavy-duty trucks and vans, models not in production as of the 2024 model year, and low-volume models were removed from further analysis.”

Other Notable Factoids Directly From iSeeCars:

  • “According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), the last five years have seen a higher rate of accidents and fatalities on America’s roads than the previous 12 years.”
  • “The fatal accident rate is now 2.8 per billion miles and the Hyundai Venue is the car with the highest fatal accident rate, while Tesla has the highest fatal accident rate of all car brands.”
  • “New cars are safer than they’ve ever been,” said Karl Brauer, iSeeCars Executive Analyst. “Between advanced chassis design, driver assist technology, and an array of airbags surrounding the driver, today’s car models provide excellent occupant protection. But these safety features are being countered by distracted driving and higher rates of speed, leading to rising accident and death rates in recent years.”

Read The Full Study Here

2) Market Normalized: The C8 Corvette Is Finally Seeing Consistent Discounts Below MSRP

If you’re a Corvette nut like myself, you may have noticed the bizarre Corvette pricing and demand that began to creep into the market at the beginning of 2020. I called this dynamic the “Covid Phenomenon,” where a perfect storm occurred. As the revolutionary C8 Corvette was creating unprecedented demand, loads of money was being pumped into the system. This money led to increased discretionary spending on toys while, at the same time, the industry was experiencing supply chain issues. Those issues became so troublesome that production for the C8 was halted numerous times.

As year after year passed, enthusiasts were left wondering when the madness would end, and we began to see our first 5-figure discounts in April of this year. As we finish out 2024, from what I’ve seen across social media and the numerous pages I follow, discounts below MSRP are now the rule instead of the exception.

Here are just a few examples of some of the discounts seen around the community:

3) Do you want to view all of CorvSport’s fresh monthly content with just one click?

Here’s what you’ll see in the October issue of CORVETTE OBSESSED!

(A) Corvette Culture, Lifestyle, Buyer’s Guides, & History: Let us find the most interesting and exciting facets of our Corvette Community for you.

  • 3 new articles

(B) Marketplace Analysis, Deep Dives, & Auction Results: Nobody covers the Corvette markets like CorvSport does. With features like our exclusive Wholesale Corvette Market Report and The Top 5 Most Interesting Sales, you will never be left wondering what is happening in the Corvette market!

  • 5 new articles

(C) The 2025 Corvette ZR1 And Upcoming ZORA: Keep up-to-date on all the news surrounding this remarkable 1,064 hp beast and the speculation and rumors about the ZORA.

  • 4 new articles

(D) Corvette Personalities, Restorations, Tuners, & Aftermarket

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(E) FOR SALE: We comb the internet and find the coolest and most interesting Corvettes and bring them to you in exclusive features like our Listings We Love, Bargain Hunting, Rare Finds, and Garage Queens series.

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(F) Video Features: We search the internet for the best Corvette videos from the most popular YouTubers.

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(G) Corvette Of The Day: The coolest Corvettes from around our community, handpicked for you!

  • 13 new articles

(H) National Corvette Museum: Follow all the events and news from the museum and NCM Motorsports Park.

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(I) Corvette Community News, Corvette Racing News & Racing History: We cover all the top racing events and take deeper dives into Corvette Racing history.

  • 3 new articles

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The CorvSport Magazine, October 2024 Issue

Check out our October issue of CORVETTE OBSESSED! Stingray photo sourced from BaT

Thanks again for joining CorvSport today! If you want to keep up to date with all the fresh Corvette news and maintain a pulse on the lifestyle and culture of this exciting, iconic brand, CorvSport has the fastest-growing Corvette community on our Facebook page, with over 172,000 followers (53,000 since January 2023!). Come join other hardcore enthusiasts and say hello. This is Douglas B. signing off–click here if you would like to see more of my features.

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