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[C8 Purchasing Guide] Dealers At MSRP And The “Hall Of Shame”, Other Helpful Links

Which dealers are selling at or close to MSRP, and which ones should be in the "Hall of Shame"?

The most expensive used C8 Z06 as of July 2023

Let’s face it, the eighth-generation Corvette is still a hot product, not red-hot like the Covid-era days, but still strong, especially the reigning King of the Hill Z06. And I anticipate the 2024 E-Ray will be in the same camp, with dealers (and private sellers) utilizing high mark-ups to pad their pockets.

Sure, GM has its anti-flipping policy, which attempts to curtail the private market flippers, but what about the dealerships? I see potential buyers every day on my Facebook feeds who are at wit’s end with the market, and wondering where they can get a Corvette at (or near) MSRP.

Dealers Selling Close to MSRP or at MSRP

I recently did a piece highlighting the top 10 dealers in the country, all reported to be selling at MSRP. As I said then, thanks to our friends at the Corvette Blogger who put this nice chart together. The most interesting fact revealed is that of the 17,029 Corvettes delivered from 1/01/23 to 6/30/23, a whopping 2,518 (15%) were purchased from one of these Chevrolet dealerships (click on image to enlarge).

Corvette Dealers “Hall of Shame”

Here are the top 10 dealers with the largest ADMs (added dealer markup). For an exhaustive list, visit this link at the MidEngineCorvetteForum, and thanks to davec81 for doing all this research, and bringing it to the Corvette community.

Image Courtesy of Corvette Blogger

Here are just a few examples of the outrageous dealer markups. These are all fresh July 2023 Autotrader listings (new and used).

Other Helpful Purchasing Tools

An important function of these tools is that you can export your build to your Chevy Rep. This will give him a copy of your exact build, and the reps will rely on this to ensure you the customer are getting your build ordered correctly.

Configurator Links

Pricing for all 2024 Models

C8 Guide to Common Issues, Recalls, and Technical Service Bulletins

As they say, knowledge is power, and I hope I’ve provided all the resources and tools you need to save you thousands on your next Corvette purchase! We have an active community on our Facebook page, I would love to see you there.  Douglas B.