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[Guide] 1984-1996 C4 Corvette Bolt-On Mods to Make More Power

C4 Corvette located at the National Corvette Musuem

After a yearlong hiatus leading to a non-existent 1983 production run, the completely redeveloped fourth-generation Corvette emerged onto the scene in time to hit the showroom floor the following year. The C4 served not only as the next chapter within the Corvette’s already rich history but rather a complete redesign, of this iconic American classic, based upon a blank slate approach.

One of the limited holdovers from the prior C3 era was the Vette’s 5.7-liter powerplant, which remained standard until the eventual introduction of the LT1. Except for this retention in drivetrain, the C4 was a project rooted solely in an unbounded desire for innovation. All parties involved in the design and development of the C4 formed a united front, seeking to challenge and overtake the Corvette’s European market competitors.

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