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C3 Corvette VIN Decoder

C3 Corvette VIN Numbers

C3 Corvette VIN Decoder

Chevrolet kept the same format for the Corvette VIN going from the C2 generation into the C3. It stayed that way for a few years before Chevrolet changed the VIN configuration around again in 1972. It was still 13 digits like in 1965-1971, but the order of characters and their meaning was switched around a bit. The basic information was still shown including year, body style and engine. There was also a third change to the C3 VIN set up in 1981 with the move to a 17 digit system that is close to today’s VIN organization.

C3 Corvette VIN Ranges (by Year)

C3 Corvette VIN Location

The VIN on a Corvette has always been stamped on a plate, although the location of that plate has varied over the years. From 1968 till 1982, the VIN number was located on the inner side of drivers side windshield post by the A pillar and was visible through window from outside.

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