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A Look At 2021 C8 Color & Accents Options

A couple new colors, and a lot of new racing stripes!

When GM announced the features and updates of the 2021 Corvette C8, two of the biggest things were new colors and new accents being announced.

During the recent Corvettes at Carlisle virtual presentation, some of these colors and a lot of the accents were shown off. Thanks to a couple of members from the MidEngineCorvetteForum, they captured screens that show off all the options.

First, a couple of seat configurations with the new Strike Yellow/Sky Cool Grey color option. Both the GT2 and Competiton seats were shown with how the yellow would be used for accents.

2021 options

2021 options

Next, they showed the new “Stinger” hood flashes that can be optioned on as accents. Opinions are divided here at CorvSport, with some of the team liking them as hinting at racing stripes, and some thinking they’re a bit tacky.

2021 options


However, the actual new racing stripes themselves are looking to have some great color options.

2021 options

And, lastly, GM Design themselves suggested some color combinations that are now possible with the new racing stripe colors. A 2020 Corvette C8 was at Corvettes at Carlisle (the title image of this article) that had blue/yellow colors to show what the combination looked like.

2021 options

All in all, it seems that the 2021 C8 might be one of the more colorful versions of the Corvette! And a splash of color here and there never hurts.