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Interesting, Affordable, Hidden Gem Corvettes, Pt. 5: C6 2005-2009 Z51 Corvette

Is the C6 Z51 the ultimate, affordable, modern Street Sleeper Corvette?

Tom Peters' C6 Corvette design is perfect from every angle. Image Credit: Illustration by, K. Scott Teeters

Here’s an expression you don’t hear very often; “Street Sleeper”. The expression goes back to the olden days when most cars were rather drab. Detroit has always had high-profile cars with larger-than-usual, more powerful engines. The street sleeper was one of those drab cars with a hot Cadillac, Lincoln, Chrysler, or Buick engine. The goal was to pull up to a big fancy car with it’s big fancy engine and BLOW THE DOORS off the thing! The possibilities were endless.

The Birth of “Branded Muscle Cars”


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