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1978 Chevrolet Corvette VIN Numbers

1978 Corvette

VIN Range 1Z87L8S400001 – 1Z87L8S440274 (Corvette Coupe)
1Z87L8S900001 – 1Z87L8S906502 (Corvette Pace Car)
1 (First Digit) Make/Manufacturer.  1 – Chevrolet
Z (Second Digit) Model series.  Z – Corvette
87 (Third and Fourth Digits) 87- Corvette Coupe
L (Fifth Digit) L – Base Engine / X – L82 Engine
8 (Sixth Digit) Model Year.  8 – 1978
S (Seventh Digit) Vehicle Assembly Location. S – St. Louis, Missouri
4XXXXX (Eighth thru Thirteenth Digits) Plant Sequence Numbers.

The last six digits for the Corvette Coupe begin at 400001 and run thru 440274, accounting for all 40,274 Corvette Coupes built in 1978. The last six digits for the Corvette Coupe Pace Car begin at 900001 and run thru 906502, accounting for all 6,502 Corvette Coupe Pace Cars built in 1978. Each Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is unique to an individual car.

1978 Corvette Vehicle Serial Number Plate

For all 1978 Corvettes, the location of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is stamped on a plate attached to the left front body hinge pillar.

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