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1956 Chevrolet Corvette VIN Numbers

1958 C1 Corvette

1958 Corvette Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN)

VIN Range J58S100001 – J58S109168
J (First Digit) General Motors Identification Code for Chevy Corvette.
58 (Second & Third Digits) Model Year
S (Fourth Digit) Location of the Assembly Plant.  S – St. Louis, Missouri.
1XXXXX (Fifth thru Tenth Digits) Production Sequence Numbers

The last six digits begin at 100001 and run thru 109168, accounting for each of the 9,168 Corvettes built in 1958. Each Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is unique to an individual car. For all 1958 Corvettes, the location of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is located on the driver side door post. The VIN is also stamped on several locations on the Corvette frame.